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Studio Reyn online

Bring Studio Reyn into your home now!


The security of your own home. All you need is a quiet space where you can lay out your mat. And a device, preferably laptop / desktop / tablet. If you turn on a camera with that, we can also see and correct you during the live lessons!


Check us out on Youtube for free short lessons from our teachers. You can always see this.




Check the yoga schedule for live workshops and classes.

* More classes will be added here so keep an eye on our website.


1. Register by clicking on the yoga timetable and reserve the class / workshop. For this you need an account in our Eversports system.


2. Fifteen minutes before the class or workshop starts, the streaming link to the Zoom livestream is available in Eversports under My bookings / activities.

You do have to register with Zoom , so keep that in mind.


3. You will now enter the lobby / waiting room, where you wait for the teacher to let you in.


Issues? Call or send an app to 06-43246232 .


4. During the live stream, the teacher will be recorded, so that the recording is available to members and non-members for a fee. Furthermore, all participants can see the video transmission of other participants. If you do not want to show yourself or the personal environment in which you participate in the online class, you can deactivate the camera function or cover the camera. The name you enter when you join the online class will be shown to other participants. However, you can change your name at any time (eg specify only the initials).



6. Make sure that you are ready on your mat at least 15 minutes in advance, possibly with a block, belt and blanket. If you don't have this, let us know. Then you can borrow this from the studio. Otherwise, be creative and use books, ropes, etc.


We would also like to emphasize that you follow the lesson on your own responsibility. If something doesn't feel right, don't do it! Be aware that there is no teacher who can correct you.


If you are pregnant or on your period, do not do inverted positions such as headstand, handstand or shoulderstand.


If you are unsure whether you can participate, first consult your doctor or practitioner.


The yoga classes are not intended as a substitute for medical advice. It can be a nice addition.


Watch the recorded livestreams in the VIDEO LIBRARY 


Have fun and we look forward to your feedback!

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